Friday, November 16, 2007

A wiki about wikis and all things Enterprise 2.0

My colleague Piera sent me a link to an interesting wiki - a collection of case studies from different companies outlining their experiences in implementing web 2.0 technology in their enterprises. "What a cool idea", she said, and I agree.

Andrew McAfee, who is associate professor at Harvard Business School, explains in his blog the background for the initiative :

"In my morning keynote at the recent Enterprise 2.0 conference I proposed the creation of a repository of enterprise 2.0 case studies that would itself adhere to E2.0 best practices -- it would be freely editable and extensible, and have an emergent rather than an imposed structure. I heard expressions of interest in the idea throughout the rest of the day, and when I sat down to dinner with my friends from the enterprise wiki company Socialtext they volunteered their software and told me they'd already grabbed a great domain name -- (disclosure: Socialtext lets me use their software for free, but I have no financial interest in the company and have done no paid work for it.)."

"So now we need to populate this site with all things enterprise 2.0, and we need some help getting started. will be publicly available soon, but it's not yet. When we open it up, we'd like to have some compelling initial content. We need a first set of case studies that will perform the same functions as the first few dollar bills in a tip jar: encouraging others to contribute, and showing them how."

This was some months ago, in the mean time some interesting cases have been added and the wiki opened to the public. Here is a link to the wiki:

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